Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 41-Just Another Day at the Office

Day 41
Thurs Dec 22nd

Lower Body

Warm Up
Vertical Jumps 2x8
Stations-3 min each-max reps
(Jumping Jacks, Roll Ups, Dots, Up Downs)
Squat 1x8, 2x4
Leg Curls/Tuck Jumps 2x8
Lunges/Step Ups 2x8
One Legged Squats 1x8

Just another day at the office.  In and out in 42 minutes this time.  I took a little more time with the core today.  Other than that, everything was smooth sailing.  

Tomorrow will be 6 weeks since I started this little project.  Hard to believe its already been a month and a half.  Its incredible how much of a different/better person I feel like now.  Wouldn't trade this feeling for anything.  Comment, follow, and keep me motivated.

"Why should you continue going after your dreams?  Because seeing the look on the faces of the people who said you couldn't...will be priceless."
-Kevin Ngo

Stay active.  Stay healthy.

Breakfast-protein shake
Postworkout-protein shake
Lunch-Chipotle chicken burrito
Dinner-left over chipotle

Day 40-Rest Day

Day 40
Wed Dec 21st

Rest Day

Did absolutely nothing today as far as a formal workout.  Ended up playing some golf and enjoyed being outside soaking up the sights and sounds.  Time to recuperate and hit tomorrow's workout in the face.

"Make rest a necessity, not an objective.  Only rest long enough to gather strength."
-Jim Rohn

Stay active.  Stay healthy.

Breakfast-Eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage
Lunch-Subway-ham, egg, and cheese, water
Dinner-Chipotle chicken burrito, water

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 39-Happy, Happy, Happy

Day 39
Tues Dec 20th

Upper Body
Bench 1x8, 2x5
Incline 1x8, 2x5
Shrugs 3x8
DB Complex 2x8
(Bent rows, curls, upright rows)
Core-100x2, resistance crunches
Pull ups 2x8
4 Rounds, 30 sec each
(Jacks, Mt. Climbers, Up Downs, Rest)

I've got a little over three weeks left in this workout cycle.  Couldn't be happier with my strength gains and fat loss since I've started this workout.  Haven't lost much weight but you can definitely seen a difference in the mirror.  Pull ups are starting to be more of a struggle because of the heavier weight and lower reps earlier in the workout.  On another note, my legs are extremely sore today.  Yesterday was the first day I've done one legged squats so I'm assuming that's what it was.  

Get in and get your workout done.  This workout took me a total of 34 minutes from entering to leaving.  No reason to waste valuable time in the gym when you could be spending it with family or friends enjoying life. 

"The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life."
-Brian Tracy

Stay active.  Stay healthy.

5 Simple Steps To...Increase Your Metabolism

5 Simple Steps To...Increase Your Metabolism

Everyone and their mother wants that elusive toned, ripped physique.  You see these types of people everyday.  The ones that make you wonder, "How in the hell did you get a body like that?"  Well, just about everyone of those people have a high metabolism.  This helps them burn more calories throughout the day and achieve that chiseled, tone look.  Truth is, if they're not taking supplements, then they're probably following these 5 simple steps.  

Step 1-Eat Breakfast
Every time you sleep, your body goes hours without any food(fuel).  When you wake, your body is craving fuel.  By eating within 30 minutes of waking up, it makes your body start working to break down your food intake.  Conversely, if you don't eat breakfast, your body thinks you are starving it.  Your body will actually go into starvation mode and begin to store fat instead of burning it.  Breakfast helps kick start your metabolism.  There's a reason why they call it the most important meal of the day.  Don't skip it.

Step 2-Eat More
No, not necessarily more food, but more often throughout the day.  Instead of eating 2/3 big meals a day, space your meals and eat 5/6 small portion meals.  We already said that your body has to expend energy to break down food.  So, if you eat small portions throughout the day, this will put your body into a constant state of breaking down food and burning calories.  

Step 3-Get Off The Treadmill
Substitute your regular, slow-paced cardio routine with interval training.  Interval training is short bursts of intense exercise followed by a minimal rest time.  The problem with regular cardio is that your body stops burning calories as soon as you stop.  Your heart rate doesn't get high enough while doing this type of cardio.  With interval training, your heart rate gets so high that after you get done, your body continues to burn calories for hours on end.  Sample interval training routine would be 5 rounds, 30 seconds each of running in place, mountain climbers, burpees, rest.  This short, but intense 10 minute workout will burn more calories than 45 minutes on the treadmill.  

Step 4-Pick Up Those Weights
Resistance training is a great way to increase your metabolism.  You can us weights or bands.  Any kind of resistance training is good.  The resistance helps build muscle, obviously.  What may not be so obvious is that muscle burns more calories than fat.  You only need to resistance train twice a week to build muscle so pick up those weights and start burning more calories.

Step 5-Drink Cold Water
When you drink ice cold water, your body has to expend energy to warm it up.  So, instead of drinking those sugar filled carbonated drinks and fruit juices, supplement your fluid intake with good old fashioned ice cold water.  

Incorporate these simple little tricks into your everyday routine and begin to increase your metabolism immediately.  Now these steps are not going to make you a chiseled god overnight.  There is no easy way to get back in shape.  It takes a lot of hard work and sweat, but if you follow these simple steps you will see results sooner rather than later.

Stay active.  Stay healthy.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 38-First Day New Gym

Day 38
Mon Dec 19th

Vertical Jumps 2x8
4 stations-3 mins each
Jumping Jacks, Stand Ups, Dots, Up Downs

Squat 1x8, 2x5
Leg Curls/Tuck Jumps 2x8
Lunges 2x8
Core-2 rounds, ten reps each
(Hanging leg lifts, bicycle, hanging knee lifts, full crunch)
Plank Holds-30 sec (Left, Right, Middle)
Push Up Walks 3c5
One Legged Squat 2x8


Most of my previous videos were filmed at my high school weight room.  Since I no longer work at the high school I signed up for a membership at a "typical" gym.  Its going to get a lot of getting used to, but all in all it wasn't all that bad.  One of the issues that I have with that place, and im assuming its like this at most gyms, is the fact that people stand around and socialize more than working out.  There might have been maybe 2 people out of the 30 that were actually getting after their workout.  Like I've said in previous posts: Get your shit done and get out.

Today's workout was pretty legit.  I didn't have anywhere to do step ups after my lunges but the one legged squats more than made up for it.  My legs feel like they are getting stronger and stronger after every workout.  The station work, also, has been getting progressively easier.  My lower back, however, has been getting a little tight as of lately.  Im going to attribute this to a recent lack of focus on stretching my hamstrings.  I will keep you posted if it gets any better or worse.

"Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event.  You don't fail overnight.  Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day."
-Jim Rohn

Stay active.  Stay healthy.